The White House’s Opening Up America Again guidelines ask employers to develop and implement appropriate policies before reopening their workplaces, including monitoring the workforce for symptoms of COVID-19. Temperature checks are among the recommendations, since measuring the body temperature of large groups of people can mitigate the spread of disease of which fever is a symptom.
Building upon existing video surveillance technology, a thermal imaging solution is an efficient way to get quick and accurate temperature readings. A built-in AI algorithm allows for temperature assessment of multiple people from a distance of up to twenty-three feet away. Because no human contact is required and because many people can be screened at once, the thermal solution is well-suited for crowded environments such as hospitals, airports, public transportation hubs, office buildings, and schools. It can be deployed at entrances, exits, and corridors to monitor, in real time, large groups of people as they pass through. It provides instant data to alert operators to high temperatures and determine which individuals need medical screening. In addition, it reduces manpower requirements, saves material resources, and allows for a seamless flow of people.